Burn Rate Calculator : Calculate Your Cash Burn and Startup Runway

Add in a expense reduction rate or amount to optimise your burn rate and extent the runway
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How to use this calculator?

Use this Burn Rate and Runway Calculator for easy financial planning. Input your data to quickly find your cash burn, end balance, and runway, plus explore expense adjustment impacts
Step 01
Begin by entering your starting cash balance, monthly expenses, and monthly revenue into the respective fields labeled "Current Balance," "Monthly Expenses," and "Monthly Revenue."
Step 02
Input the anticipated monthly growth percentage into the "Growth Rate" field.
Step 03
The calculator will then display your cash burn rate, your cash balance at the end of the month, and your financial runway.
Step 04
To increase your startup's financial runway and decrease the burn rate, enter any planned increases or decreases in expenses, along with the months when these changes will take effect, into the "Addition From" and "Reduction From" fields, respectively.

What is Burn Rate?

Burn rate refers to the rate at which a company spends its available capital. It is a critical metric for startups and businesses as it indicates how long a company can sustain its operations before needing additional funding. The burn rate is usually expressed as a monthly figure and is calculated by subtracting the total monthly expenses from the total revenue. A high burn rate suggests that the company is spending a significant amount of money without generating equivalent revenue, which could lead to financial trouble if not managed properly.

Types of Burn Rate

Gross Burn

Gross burn is the total amount of operating expenses a company incurs in a given month. It includes all cash spent on operations and growth, such as salaries, rent, utilities, and marketing expenses.

Net Burn

Net burn takes into account the company's revenues; it's the net cash flow out of the business each month. Net burn rate is calculated by subtracting the company's monthly revenue from its gross burn rate.

How to calculate burn rate?

Calculating burn rate involves understanding how quickly a company is spending its cash reserves over a specific period, typically on a monthly basis. Here's how to calculate both the gross and net burn rates:

How to calculate Gross Burn Rate? 

Identify Total Expenses: Sum up all the cash expenses your company incurs in a month. This includes everything from salaries, rent, utilities, marketing, and any other operational expenses.

Calculate Monthly Average (if necessary): If you're looking at a period longer than a month, calculate the average monthly expenses by dividing the total expenses by the number of months in the period.

The formula for Gross Burn Rate is:

Gross Burn Rate =Total Monthly Cash Expenses

How to calculate Net Burn Rate?

Calculate Monthly Revenue: Determine how much revenue your company generates in a month. This includes all income from sales, services, and any other sources of business income.

Subtract Revenue from Expenses: Take your total monthly expenses and subtract the monthly revenue from this figure.

The formula for Net Burn Rate is:

Net Burn Rate =Total Monthly Cash Expenses−Monthly RevenueExample

Let's say a startup has the following financials for a given month:

  • Monthly expenses (salaries, rent, etc.): 50,000
  • Monthly revenue: 20,000

Gross Burn Rate: The gross burn rate would be the total monthly expenses, which is 50,000.

Net Burn Rate: To calculate the net burn rate, subtract the monthly revenue from the total expenses:

Net Burn Rate = 50,000−20,000=30,000

Therefore, the startup's net burn rate is $30,000 per month, indicating it spends 30,000 more than it earns every month.

Understanding burn rate is crucial for startups and businesses in their early stages, as it helps determine how long the company can operate before needing additional funding or reaching profitability.

What is a Startup runway?

Runway is the period over which a company can continue operating with its current level of cash before it exhausts its resources. It is calculated by dividing the current cash balance by the monthly burn rate.

Startup runway refers to the amount of time a startup can operate before it runs out of money. It is a crucial metric for startups as it indicates the timeframe within which the company needs to achieve profitability or secure additional funding. Runway is typically calculated in months and is dependent on the company's burn rate and available capital.

Why is it Important to Calculate Runway?

Calculating runway is important because it helps startups:

  1. Plan Finances: Understand how long they can sustain operations with the current capital.
  2. Make Strategic Decisions: Plan for scaling operations, reducing costs, or securing additional funding.
  3. Mitigate Risks: Identify potential financial issues early and take corrective actions.

How to Calculate Runway?

Runway is calculated using the following formula:

Runway (in months) = Total Capital​/Burn Rate (per month)

For example, if a startup has $500,000 in capital and a monthly burn rate of $50,000, the runway would be:

How Burn Rate and Startup Runway are Related?

Burn rate and startup runway are closely related metrics. The burn rate directly influences the startup runway. A higher burn rate means a shorter runway, while a lower burn rate extends the runway. Managing the burn rate effectively can help a startup extend its runway, giving it more time to achieve profitability or secure additional funding.

Runway = 500,000/50,000​ = 10months

Benefits of Using a Burn Rate Calculator

Using a burn rate calculator offers several benefits:

  1. Accuracy: Provides precise calculations of burn rate and runway, reducing the risk of manual errors.
  2. Financial Planning: Helps in strategic financial planning by giving clear insights into expenses and revenue.
  3. Informed Decisions: Assists in making informed decisions regarding cost-cutting, scaling operations, or seeking funding.
  4. Risk Management: Enables early identification of potential financial issues, allowing for timely corrective actions.
  5. Performance Monitoring: Tracks the financial performance over time, helping in assessing the effectiveness of financial strategies.

By incorporating these sections into your burn rate and runway calculator page, you'll provide comprehensive information that not only explains the concepts but also guides users on how to effectively use the tool and understand the results.

How to extend the startup runway?

Here are five practical tips to extend your startup runway:

1. Cut Non-Essential Expenses

Review your expenses and identify areas where you can cut costs without affecting core operations. This might include canceling unused software subscriptions, reducing travel expenses, or negotiating lower rates with service providers.

2. Negotiate Longer Payment Terms with Suppliers

Work with your suppliers to negotiate longer payment terms. This means you can delay paying your bills, giving you more time to manage your cash flow. For example, if you currently have 30-day payment terms, try to extend them to 45 or 60 days.

3. Implement a Hiring Freeze or Reduce Payroll

Pause any new hiring plans and focus on maximizing the productivity of your current team. Additionally, consider options like offering equity instead of salary increases or reducing work hours to lower payroll costs without losing valuable employees.

4. Increase Revenue through Existing Customers

Focus on upselling and cross-selling to your existing customers. These are often easier and cheaper to sell to than acquiring new customers. Consider introducing new features, services, or products that add value and encourage higher spending.

5. Optimize Your Pricing Strategy

Reevaluate your pricing strategy to ensure it reflects the value you provide. Consider increasing prices where justified, introducing tiered pricing models, or offering bundled packages to encourage higher sales per customer. Conduct market research to understand what your customers are willing to pay and adjust accordingly.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why does burn rate matter?
What does cash runway mean?
How do I reduce my burn rate?
What does it mean if I have a high burn rate?
What is the difference between gross burn rate and net burn rate?
How often should I monitor my burn rate and cash runway?
What are the common mistakes startups make with burn rate management?